So- with the addition of My Scratch Off Games ( ) to my resume, business could not be better. I have added many new products to my account, my account and my account creating other avenues to showcase my items and in the last 3 months, I have seen about a 35% jump in sales. I can not complain about that-
-- and did you know that my google ranking for for keyword "Scratch Off Stickers" is #2- and for keyword "Scratch Off Labels" I am #6- I am so happy about that- the hard work has paid off.
Stay tuned as I post some of the other scratch card designs I have available for Christmas and New Years- They are selling well already!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
WOW Its been awhile since I posted
And my only excuse is
It is now officially launched in time for the Halloween Season- Check out the Halloween ones- my bestseller on eBay!
I am now restocked in the square scratch off labels in Gold and Silver and I have added Gold Rectangle to the inventory! Check out the recent updates to the webpage and come check out
Enjoy- I am always available to answer any questions!
It is now officially launched in time for the Halloween Season- Check out the Halloween ones- my bestseller on eBay!
I am now restocked in the square scratch off labels in Gold and Silver and I have added Gold Rectangle to the inventory! Check out the recent updates to the webpage and come check out
Enjoy- I am always available to answer any questions!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Just Launched- Bridal Shower & Baby shower scratch off games

It has been awhile since my last post...The family and I went to Hawaii for 12 days and loved it, so now it is time to get back to business and get going on the EXPANSION of my business. Please forgive the mess for the next 2 months during my expansion.
I just launched my first professionally printed Scratch off game for Bridal showers and the Baby Shower (for girl, boy & neutral) ones that I have will be added to my website in the next day or two. I am so excited to be offering these scratch card games for MANY different occasions...Weddings, Bridal showers, baby showers, Birthdays for the ladies and the men, Birthdays for the kids- boy and girl, Anniversary parties, Christmas, business promotions, etc...lots in development . I am currently working with a graphic illustrator for production of illustrations that I can use in this endeavor. you have any ideas of ones that I can create? email me...
I am also now on facebook-- become a fan of "My Scratch Off Labels".
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Congratulations to Bella!
the winner of my Blog giveaway for 50 personalized scratch off tickets for any event or business promotion.
The winner was drawn today at 4pm CDT by my daughter Madison! She loved being a part of this!
Look next month for another chance to win another 50 Personalized scratch tickets!
Thanks all who entered- If you are interested in ordering anything- just let me know~!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Molly's first birthday! :) & :(

Today was Molly's first birthday and it was so great-
Isn't the puppy cupcake cake from our local Walmart really CUTE!! Molly loved it and called it a "GOG"
We had a small crowd for Pizza and cake... Molly was an absolute mess, but she had a blast. She had to take a quick bath after it was all said and done.
I just wanted to post a pic really quick of my baby girls first birthday!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
My Monkey Turns 1- Giveaway celebration-
So tomorrow is my daughter Molly's (Molly Monkey- we call her) first birthday- and what a way to celebrate by offering my first Giveaway-
So the winner will receive 50 (Actual printed- Not digital)- Personalized Custom Scratch off Tickets designed however you want them designed with whatever color scratch off labels you want used. Tickets are printed on high glossy photo paper for the utmost professional look and feel. Giveaway valued at $20. Tickets will be mailed to you by USPS First Class mail.
You may offer more than one promotion in this giveaway of 50 Personalized custom scratch tickets for example, my last customer wanted 10% off, 25% off and 40% off, so I did all 3 promotions and split up her order according to her request!
**BONUS** I will also email you the completed electronic version (.pub, .jpg, or .png ) of the Scratch off ticket that you can use for personal/business use in the future. Just print them up on your own printer, cut and place the scratch off labels over the promotional area.
The digital examples are posted with this blog posting. See the other posts in my blog for other designs that I have done for ideas of what might interest you!
You can use these for ANY event or for your business promotion- I often do promotions where I sent these discount scratch off tickets with all of my outgoing mailed orders. It REALLY increases the repeat sales.
So all you have to do is comment on this blog posting with you name, business name &/or website (If applicable) and your blog.
I will end the Giveaway on the 4th of July-- and Post a special Giveaway winner blog that day!

Email me at for any questions!
So the winner will receive 50 (Actual printed- Not digital)- Personalized Custom Scratch off Tickets designed however you want them designed with whatever color scratch off labels you want used. Tickets are printed on high glossy photo paper for the utmost professional look and feel. Giveaway valued at $20. Tickets will be mailed to you by USPS First Class mail.
You may offer more than one promotion in this giveaway of 50 Personalized custom scratch tickets for example, my last customer wanted 10% off, 25% off and 40% off, so I did all 3 promotions and split up her order according to her request!
**BONUS** I will also email you the completed electronic version (.pub, .jpg, or .png ) of the Scratch off ticket that you can use for personal/business use in the future. Just print them up on your own printer, cut and place the scratch off labels over the promotional area.
The digital examples are posted with this blog posting. See the other posts in my blog for other designs that I have done for ideas of what might interest you!

You can use these for ANY event or for your business promotion- I often do promotions where I sent these discount scratch off tickets with all of my outgoing mailed orders. It REALLY increases the repeat sales.
So all you have to do is comment on this blog posting with you name, business name &/or website (If applicable) and your blog.
I will end the Giveaway on the 4th of July-- and Post a special Giveaway winner blog that day!

Email me at for any questions!
More Etsy friends- I have not forgotten about you!
So I have been on hiatus...Entertaining the in-laws. And keeping the kiddos entertained too! I have a quiet few hours while the kids are napping and the In-laws are out shopping with the Husband to catch up on my blog...I know you all missed me :)
So I had a forum on Etsy talking about my new blog and that I would feature their items &/or blog and there were a few that were at the end of the forum string that I have not written about- so here I will finish talking about these really cool Etsy members and their stuff...
First is pfeifferphotos- Here is the blog: For sale are some great fine art photos. I really like "Sunset" a picture of a background sunset and some tree leaves in the foreground.
Next kate8085 is an interesting one- This is a husband and wife team that do framed tattoo art for your home or anywhere! This stuff is really cool- Here is their blog
Then Latherati soap She just celebrated her 39th birthday and has a mini giveaway on her blog- leave a comment and you could win a free lip luster! So exciting! She also has an Etsy store coming soon on her blog!
#@!$%, I am getting annoyed because for some reason I can not cut and paste links...So I am sorry that the links are not making it properly to the blog... so I am having to hand type out all the links- What a pain!
Next up is cabinandcub- Here is the blog- Today she updated her blog with wood burned panels of these cute little birds! She also has these cute little notebooks in her Etsy store:
Next is felixandjayne who is currently on vacation (Internetless) in Branson, MO- That would drive me crazy too- I need my internet fix many times a day! Anyway, she hand sews these amazing little cluthes! There is an awesome artist feel the each piece that she has made- and of course they are all one of a kind! Here is her blog-
And the last one is She is a graphic designer who is about 37 weeks pregnant and is running a giveaway to the persona who correctly guesses her delivery date- She is due the 11th if July... I remember how I felt at 37 weeks- ready- so ready to deliver! Here is her blog if you want to enter her giveaway- She has some really cute digital invitations on her Etsy store to sell- She really has a great eye for design!
All these giveaways--- Maybe I should try my hand at my own Giveaway? Any suggestions?
So I had a forum on Etsy talking about my new blog and that I would feature their items &/or blog and there were a few that were at the end of the forum string that I have not written about- so here I will finish talking about these really cool Etsy members and their stuff...
First is pfeifferphotos- Here is the blog: For sale are some great fine art photos. I really like "Sunset" a picture of a background sunset and some tree leaves in the foreground.
Next kate8085 is an interesting one- This is a husband and wife team that do framed tattoo art for your home or anywhere! This stuff is really cool- Here is their blog
Then Latherati soap She just celebrated her 39th birthday and has a mini giveaway on her blog- leave a comment and you could win a free lip luster! So exciting! She also has an Etsy store coming soon on her blog!
#@!$%, I am getting annoyed because for some reason I can not cut and paste links...So I am sorry that the links are not making it properly to the blog... so I am having to hand type out all the links- What a pain!
Next up is cabinandcub- Here is the blog- Today she updated her blog with wood burned panels of these cute little birds! She also has these cute little notebooks in her Etsy store:
Next is felixandjayne who is currently on vacation (Internetless) in Branson, MO- That would drive me crazy too- I need my internet fix many times a day! Anyway, she hand sews these amazing little cluthes! There is an awesome artist feel the each piece that she has made- and of course they are all one of a kind! Here is her blog-
And the last one is She is a graphic designer who is about 37 weeks pregnant and is running a giveaway to the persona who correctly guesses her delivery date- She is due the 11th if July... I remember how I felt at 37 weeks- ready- so ready to deliver! Here is her blog if you want to enter her giveaway- She has some really cute digital invitations on her Etsy store to sell- She really has a great eye for design!
All these giveaways--- Maybe I should try my hand at my own Giveaway? Any suggestions?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
New monster truck birthday scratch ticket design
So my friend Amanda has been in town for the last 4 days hence the reason I have not posted anything in 4 days...we have been busy with 4 kids between us! Lots of pool time, too little down time :)
So I designed a scratch ticket as favors for Joseph's 4th Monster Truck Birthday party! Perfect for the Adults and the Kids!!! The adults were going to play for a "Beer" :) I think the kids were going to play for a Monster truck goody bag! 

These match the Ticket Invitations that I made up for her to send out--
Feel free to send me some feedback of other ideas that I could use for Boy Birthday favor scratch tickets...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My new Etsy connections
My Etsy store is only 1 1/2 weeks old- and it is getting great traffic and attention. I think I owe some of that to my activity in the forum section. I frequent the critiques and the promotions section as often as I can. Many of these people have significantly helped me get my shop to where it is right now. I received lots of advice on how to write a good short shop announcement, but still explain what these little colored dots are all about. And I got some great feedback on my current banner-- it is what it is because of the advice of fellow etsy friends.
So I met some great Etsy artists today and want to showcase a few of their products or their blogs.
The first one I met was sirenumscopuli (Don't ask me how to say it! :) This new Etsy member has beautiful white clay pendant rose necklace found here:
lostsentiments is next on my list- Here is her blog and she has these cute little hand crocheted Amigurumi Teddy bears that are just adorable here:
irinaphotography has a picture on her etsy page that is very similar in color and light to a Pebble beach picture that I have hanging in my living room: her blog is here:
gutsche has these amazing art glass lock pendants- I asked them if they could make them in gold...I am not a silver person- but look at these- AMAZING:
next is dorsethillbeads who today posted a story about a girls trip to the Baltimore Hon Fest 2009. they make and sell these cute little lamp beads. Here is a cute one! tube of dots:
glimmeringprize posted some VERY exciting news on her BLOG today! SHE IS NOW A PUBLISHED ARTIST-- How exciting is that! Now she is an artist who cleverly mixes up all different types of media that are out there to create these one of a kind art pieces. You will be amazed!
Now this one is cool- I've never seen this-- a hand carved toilet seat cover- allenbritebath here is the blog... This one is my favorite because I love bears-
Then I came across scrappincorner who sells handmade scrapbook style cards and her blog has instructions listed on how to make your own...What a great idea- This is the perfect card for me becasue it would be something I would send to my best friend Amanda! She is trade friendly- so I put the bug in her ear about that :)
Then My last one for tonight is teddystartedit and flutterbygirly- sounds like something my 4 year old would say as an excuse! But she has posted a home recipe for a sunburn relief. she is a stay at home mom, just like me who like to concoct different "lotions and potions". And who wouldn't love the cute little etsy avatar shes got:
But that is my Etsy exploring today- I came across things that were just too unique not to share- Enjoy and Good Night...
So I met some great Etsy artists today and want to showcase a few of their products or their blogs.
The first one I met was sirenumscopuli (Don't ask me how to say it! :) This new Etsy member has beautiful white clay pendant rose necklace found here:
lostsentiments is next on my list- Here is her blog and she has these cute little hand crocheted Amigurumi Teddy bears that are just adorable here:
irinaphotography has a picture on her etsy page that is very similar in color and light to a Pebble beach picture that I have hanging in my living room: her blog is here:
gutsche has these amazing art glass lock pendants- I asked them if they could make them in gold...I am not a silver person- but look at these- AMAZING:
next is dorsethillbeads who today posted a story about a girls trip to the Baltimore Hon Fest 2009. they make and sell these cute little lamp beads. Here is a cute one! tube of dots:
glimmeringprize posted some VERY exciting news on her BLOG today! SHE IS NOW A PUBLISHED ARTIST-- How exciting is that! Now she is an artist who cleverly mixes up all different types of media that are out there to create these one of a kind art pieces. You will be amazed!
Now this one is cool- I've never seen this-- a hand carved toilet seat cover- allenbritebath here is the blog... This one is my favorite because I love bears-
Then I came across scrappincorner who sells handmade scrapbook style cards and her blog has instructions listed on how to make your own...What a great idea- This is the perfect card for me becasue it would be something I would send to my best friend Amanda! She is trade friendly- so I put the bug in her ear about that :)
Then My last one for tonight is teddystartedit and flutterbygirly- sounds like something my 4 year old would say as an excuse! But she has posted a home recipe for a sunburn relief. she is a stay at home mom, just like me who like to concoct different "lotions and potions". And who wouldn't love the cute little etsy avatar shes got:
But that is my Etsy exploring today- I came across things that were just too unique not to share- Enjoy and Good Night...
So I took a few days off...
So Ron and I took the girls to Six Flags St Louis yesterday and had a great time. Ended up getting home around 11 pm. That is pretty late for a 12 month old and a 4 year old, but a treat like that everyonce in awhile won't hurt them!
Ron went back out of town AGAIN today for 1 week. So now I have the little monkeys all to myself for the next 5 days and 6 hours... yes the monkeys are my kids. Lets just hope that I can maintain my sanity. My friend Amanda might be coming up on Wednesday from Arkansas for a few days! That will be a nice break.

So for my scratch off labels-- I have been working on new designs for scratch off tickets and cards. In the past I created my own scatch off tickets for promotions that I included with all of my outgoing orders from eBay and The promotion was quite a success. But today I also created 2 for a Princess Birthday party. And a Fundaraiser scratch off ticket.
So I am always available to design a scratch off ticket for anyone, so that they can print them on their own printer at home saving you tons of cash. I recommend printing on high gloss photo paper and cutting them with a photo cutter. Tickets are crisp looking and professional this way. I can format the ticket to whatever format necessary so that you will not have to worry about it. Cost to do that is $7.50. Then just purchase the scratch off labels separately and stick them on and you have the perfect game for ANY occasion.
Feel free to contact me directly at for any questions or to inquire about a design for yourself!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Announcing my grand opening on ETSY!

Want an example of how to use these stickers? Say you are throwing a Happy 13 Birthday party for your Niece- and she is going to have 10 friends over. Plan a prize (Say $20 Gift Card to Target), Create 10 scratch cards on your computer and print one that says "winner" and 9 that say "Sorry" (or whatever text you want to use) then place these labels over that winner/sorry spot, put into a small envelope with a pennie and hand to each guest at your nieces party...That example can be used for many different occasions...just change the design of the scratch card to match the event...
So what kind of event can you use these scratch off stickers for? Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, Wedding Receptions, Business Promotions, Business Rewards, Housewarming parties, Kids birthday parties, Anniverssaries...etc. The options are endless.
Here are the links: As always- Free Shipping! Mix & Match 1" Round and Heart scratch off stickers- Quantity of 100 for $6.00. Rectangle scratch off stickers that measure 1" x 2 1/8". Quantity of 100 for $8.00. Heart with "Scraatch here" 1" scratch off stickers. Quantity 100 for $6.00 Gold Round 1" scratch off stickers. Quantity 100 for $6.00 Silver Round 1" scratch off stickers. Quantity 100 for $6.00 Red Round 1" scratch off stickers. Quantity 100 for $6.00 Green Round 1" scratch off stickers. Quantity 100 for $6.00 Blue Round 1" scratch off stickers. Quantity 100 for $6.00 Silver Round with "Scratch Here" 1" scratch off stickers. Quantity 100 for $6.00
And lastly is the actual graphic design for the scratch ticket that you can print on your own computer to save lots of money...
I am always available to answer any questions- feel free to email me at
And also check out my primary business website:
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